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Equality and diversity

Our Equality and Diversity work in 2024-2023 includes:

  • working with the Linking Network as part of the Lancashire 'All Together Now' project. The project links schools together from different areas. Children in Class 4 are involved in this project this year, 
  • our participation in the 'Building Bridges' project which arranges for schools to engage with a range of faith visits and visitors. This year we have a Faith Friends visit school, these visitors included Neetal who spoke to the children about her Hindu faith and Amy who talked to the children about her Jewish faith. 

At Bickerstaffe CE School we take our equality and diversity responsibilities seriously and are focused on embedding both across the curriculum, alongside protecting children from discrimination and harrassment.

Our Equality Policy includes objectives for 2022-26.

The governors and leadership team use this webpage to publish information in line with the Equality Act 2010 and Public Sector Equality Duty. We fulfil the three priorities of the Duty:

  • Eliminate unlawful discrimination, harassment and victimisation and other conduct prohibited by the Act.
  • Advance equality of opportunity between people who share a protected characteristic and those who do not.
  • Foster good relations between people who share a protected characteristic and those who do not.

At Bickerstaffe CE School, we ensure that our children grow up to be respectful citizens in modern, multi-cultural Britain. We recognise that our school population is mainly White British and ensure that our children develop the British value of tolerance of different faiths and beliefs to their own.

We teach the children explicitly through the PSHE curriculum about avoiding prejudice and stereotyping. We plan the books and stories we use across school so that they reflect diverse Britain. For use 'No Outsiders' in our PSHE lessons, one story each half term.  

The images that we use around school and across the curriculum reflect modern British society.


This year, as a school, we are taking part in the Schools Linking Project and Building Bridges project. 

As part of our action plan, we are undertaking the Lancashire Equality Mark in 2023-2024. 

At our school, we have 8% of our children from different heritages including White and Black Caribbean and other White backgrounds.

We use our own internal tracking to monitor the progress of children from different ethnic backgrounds. At the end of the 2021-22, the attainment of children from ethnic backgrounds was higher than that of other children.

Reading: 86% at Age-Related Expectations (ARE)

Writing: 71% at ARE

Maths: 86% at ARE


We have 1% of pupils with English as an Additional Language (EAL). First languages include Slovakian. 


Most of our pupils identify religiously as being Christian C of E. We also have children from Muslim and Mormon families or children who do not identify as any religion. We are always keen to give the children opportunities to share about their faith in class and in assemblies. Children have given presentations about their religion and their family's worship. Through assemblies and class work, we mark festivals from different faiths, for example, Eid and Diwali. The children in Reception learn about Chinese New Year. 

We often have visitors in to share their faith and beliefs with the children, for example, Neetal who has shared Hindu dance with us and Amy has led workshops about Judaism for the children and local Christian clergy have led assemblies and class sessions.

We have had visits to local churches, the synagogue in Liverpool and the Mosque in Liverpool. We aim to have more visits to places of worship now that we are post-pandemic.


At the January 2022 census, 54% of pupils were girl, 46% boys.

There are variances between cohorts as to whether girls or boys attain higher in Reading, Writing or Maths.

For instance, in the current Year 5 (2022-23), the girls attain higher than the boys across all three subjects.

In other year groups, it varies between subjects. 

In the past, we have focused on improving girls' maths as the gap was bigger in that subject. Due to the introduction of our maths mastery scheme, White Rose Maths, there is no longer a pattern of boys achieving consistently higher than girls in maths.

We are currently focusing on boys' early writing skills due to lower Reception attainment at the end of Summer 2022.

We have worked sensitively and discreetly with families when pupils have questioned their gender. We have supported children with uniform choices and helped them to express themselves. We have supported pupils in their transition to high school so that they can make a confident start.


We work closely with the families of children with SEN and/or a disability. We prioritise support, with several children having 1:1 support without EHC funding. We aim to identify needs from an early age to have maximum impact. Our SENCo is also our Early Years teacher. 

We access support from a variety of different avenues. Strive SEND, Psychology Street, WISH, Kingsbury and Elm Tree, Makaton Training and SHARES CPD. We will always seek support and CPD for staff depending on children's needs. 

Sexual orientation

Some children may start to question their sexual orientation whilst at primary school. We have encouraged children to be confident in themselves and supported them in their transition to high school. 

In September 2022 school completed the Rainbow Flag Award to insure our school was inclusive to all children, including those identifying as LGB or questioning their sexuality. 

'There is some really lovely work being done here, particularly the written response tasks to the books, the library display, and the PSHE plan. Young people in your school are clearly very accepting of difference and empathetic in their responses which you should be proud of.' Feedback from The Rainbow Flag Evidence submission.